3 minute read
Scripture reading Isaiah 36,
Confession: Obadiah 1:3-4 The pride of thine heart deceived thee,thou that dwellest in the cleft of the rock,whose habitation is high;that saith in his heart,who shall bring me down to the ground?
Thouhg thou exalt thyself as the eagle,and though thou set thy nest among the star's ,thence I will bring thee down,said the Lord.
Prayer points
1* O heavens,arise and wage war whenever enemies are troubling my children in the name of Jesus.
2* Every battle that has been stolen from me,release my portion in Jesus' name.
3* Every form of death remaining this year,am not your victim in the name of Jesus.
4*O God arise and give me the keys to my own house this year in Jesus name.
5* O God arise and take me out of judgement of darkness,in Jesus' name.
6* Judgemental curses working against my life and family die,in Jesus name.
7* Every coven judgement against my certificate, die in Jesus name.
8* O God arise and make me an example of divine promotion,in Jesus name.
9* O God arise and set an angel in the heavenlies to defend my portion,in Jesus name.
10* Lord t are me back to the place of my creation,in Jesus name.
11*O God arise and use me to change my family history,in Jesus name.
12* My end shall be better than my beginning,in Jesus' name .
13* Satanic dedication of my family, break and release me now,in Jesus name.
14* Earthquakes of God arise and destroy every ancestral altar of my father's house ,in Jesus' name.
15* Anything buried anywhere dragging my family backwards,lose your hold and die,in Jesus name.
16* Evil days,weeks and months shall not stand against me and my family,in Jesus name.
17*Ancestral oracles of my family line,die in Jesus name.
18* Blood of Jesus,arise and deliver my foundation,in Jesus name.
19* Evil voices from my foundation attacking my elevation,die in Jesus name.
20* Joy swallowers of my father's house die in Jesus name.
21* Anything in the land of the dead troubling my destiny die in Jesus name.
22* Foundational in my life be healed in Jesus name.
23* Any dark power living in my house or around my house,get out and die by fire in Jesus name.
24* Powers assigned to use me as sacrifice die,in Jesus name.
25* Any sickness assigned to overtake my life, die in Jesus name.
26*Any power blocking my deliverance,die in Jesus' name.
27* My father my father,take away my destiny from the hands of men in Jesus name.
28* Bondage from any shrine mocking God in my life,break in Jesus name.
29* Any spiritual Gun assigned to shoot at me,shoot your carrier in Jesus name.
30* Powers that bring good news,over shadow my life in Jesus name.
31*Every cauldron of witchcraft troubling my life,break and scatter in Jesus name
32 * Bullets of wicked elders,jump out of my body now ,in Jesus' name.
33* Battles that overshadowed my parents. I am not your victim,die in Jesus name.
34* Satanic prophecies over my life scatter in Jesus' name.
35* Wicked utterances that worked against my parents,i am not your candidate, die in Jesus name.
36* Arrows of sorrow fired into my life backfire in Jesus name .
37 * Any evil pronouncements against my brain,die in Jesus name.
38* Keys to locate my helpers,locate me now in Jesus name .
39* Any power that has made a covenant with the devil for my sake, be wasted in Jesus name.
40* My dry tree,come alive in Jesus' name.
41* Every satanic intelligence gathered against me scatter in thy name of Jesus.
42* Every satanic barricade formed against my life break in Jesus name.
43* Every good thing that has left me behind, I catch up with you and overtake you in Jesus name.

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