Dreams is what God use to speak to us, tell us who we are and situation we are , dream is like a messenger of God to direct people in the right way and also a way of warning for things to come and how to prevent them from happening,some dreams can also indicate demonic attack and bondage.
Dreaming about animals may represent demonic attacks or show you your physical personality and the kind of person you're
Seeing a specific kind of animal always in your dream have a significant meaning to your life and well-being, spiritual life and physical personality below are some examples of those animals.
1. Elephant :seeing elephant in your dreams indicates you're a great person in life or in your future your will be one of great people in life.
2. Dogs: this is a spirit of fornication, this is a sign that you flirt too much, it can also represent marital stagnation but if you see that the dog bit you this is another meaning which indicates that someone is trying to harm you and you have to be vigilant and prayerful.
3. Snake: this is telling you that a fight or conflict will occur to you or someone related to you, if the snake is killed in the dream it indicates that the conflict will be easily settled but if the snake is not kill it shows that it will be a long-term conflict, but if its the snake bite please pray again demonic attack.
4. Lions: seeing lion indicate a wicked being, a dangerous attack from enemy, you have a wicked being monitoring your movement.
5. Goats : this indicate stubbornness, and indicate a strong enemy who is not ready to leave you alone, pray against anyone who decides to be a strong enemy to you.
6. Dove: this is a good one, seeing a dove in your dream indicates the present of holy spirit around you. Alway pray for holy spirit.
7. Cow: this is a reverse case of dove, seeing cows in your dreams indicates presence of evil spirit or attack of demonic spirit which you have to pray against.
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