Yes, I meant what you just heard, if only you can give it a try! Am not here to bore you but, I’ve got some juicy info which has the capability of changing your financial struggles.
You have heard of few and pass MLM like Ultimate Cycle and the rest of them, but this isn’t it, this is pure and genuine MLM, ~Eboss is the name√
Let’s I forget, I am DE Prince Siaky : an online networker and a successful business man. I’m also the of the CEO of EBOSS RECYCLERS TEAM on the old Eboss Foundation Team which happens to be the best and leading team in any online business I do.
I’m not making this post about myself, but a very easy, short and promising business called Eboss.
Eboss is not a ponzi system or news platform. This is a pure Multilevel Marketing (MLM) system, but an evolution of how MLM operates.
Let me quickly jump into what Eboss stands for before moving to how it works. I don’t want to waste your time. Time is money, I understand and I want you to make it to the fullest, that’s why you and I should read and learn everything about this awesome money making machine.
Eboss came into light as a means to help the helpless both in education and other aspect. Our mission is to carry out donation of Notebooks to students and children in orphanage homes across the country and this serve as a major valuable physical product among other products we have.
When you join us in the course of donation and giving back to the society, you’ll not only be blessed by God, but also earn more than what you donated.
E-Boss Foundation project is built around a board circler MLM matrix system with spillover.
To join the circle, to donate and start earning, you need to donate a one-time payment of N5,500 which covers at least 10 copies of Notebooks and profit share among the board circle members.
This way, you earn good profit reward from subsequent sales of our donation materials.
Benefit And Compensation Plan
The empowerment and life time earning starts with you as you take action to join this mission.
E-Boss Foundation board is built with 2 x 2 matrix circle which means you only need to introduce just 2 persons to join us in this course of donation and contribute with us.
If you introduce more than 2, it will spillover to your 2 downlines which means you are helping them to grow with you as a team.
Your 2 downlines need to introduce just 2 persons as well to complete your circle while you roll in to another circle to continue earning more money as we continue this mission.
While filling your 2 x 2 matrix and completing it, you earn:
N500 cashback bonus once you register successfully
N1,000 commission from each person you introduce in level 1,
N1,000 commission from each person your downline introduce in level 2 and
N6,000 matching bonus when you complete your circle
That’s apart from the earn extra ranking bonus for your performance base on the numbers of people you introduce to E-Boss Foundation.
Now let’s do the Calculation/Analysis:
Registration bonus = N500
Level 1: N1,000 x 2 referrals = N2,000
Level 2: N1,000 x 4 referrals = N4,000
Matching bonus PV = N6,000
Total earning = N12,500 when you complete your circle.
This means you only need 6 people to fill in your matrix and get N12,500. Very simple, short and awesome.
After completing your circle, N5,500 will be deducted automatically for you to re-circle again as we continue our donation project, then you will be left with N7,000 profit to cash out.
You continue again with another circle and also earn as explained above again and again as you continue each foundation board circle.
Further more, the higher you grow with your team members under your tree, you earn bonus for advancement ranks & qualifications.
How To Cash Out
To cash out your earning is very simple. We have bank transfer withdrawal method, member-to-member (M2M) fund transfer and you can purchase e-pin or other product with your earning. Great isn’t it?
Withdrawal is enable weekly on every Thursday while your payment get processed within 24 – 48 hours.
How to Join And Make Payment:
We make use of e-pin, bank transfer and online payment via paystack. Once you make payment either online or bank transfer, you will get e-pin which you will use to register using my referral link and activate your account.
You will also get your 10 copies of notebooks waybill to your location for you to share around you, better still, you can order for more copies or accumulate more numbers of copies as you circle in and out.
Otherwise, you can leave it with us for monthly distribution because you will have to pay for the waybill depend on your location.
Why you should join EBOSS RECYCLERS T eam right now:
If you are into networking business, you will understand that those who join MLM earlier are those who benefit the more and faster.
You will enjoy spillover and also be among those who will first cash out. Kindly note that this article is outdated.