5+ Keys To A Perfect Marriage


How to Have a Happy Marriage
Investing time in creating a passionate, inspirational marriage is incredibly important.

These marriage tips are simple, but powerful.

Even though no marriage is perfect, it’s possible to have an ALMOST perfect marriage..

If you desire a happy home, then you need to try these out,

1. Putting God first: in all things you do, you must place God as the head and controller of it. Sporadically, we do things the way we feel and not God's will. Building a happy home is not by mere thinking or physical power, but by the wisdom of God. Whenever you put God first in your home, then you are on the right track. Even when there is trouble, you will turn to him, and he will take it up from there and provide a solution to calm the raging storm that wants to destroy your family. With God, your home will be like a house built on a solid rock whose foundation cannot be shaken.

2. Understanding: After placing God first, then you need to understand what marriage is all about. The Bible says, “two people shall come together and become one”, if you understand this you won't have difficulties. You have to understand that marriage is not a bed of roses where you enjoy all the time. There will be ups and downs either financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally or psychologically but if you understand that you are one, then you will stand against it with your partner and fight it with your strength, and you will overcome.

3. Acceptance: You have to accept your partner for whom he/she is because if you don't accept them for who they are, you will have a problem. Most of the time, it might not be what you are expecting from them, but accepting them will go a long way in giving you a happy home. We are of different types of person, background, family, upbringing, association and if you want to be judging them based on this, then your home is not going anywhere because it will crash one day. Learn how to accept each other flaws and see how happy and sweet your home will be.
4. Complement: Learn how to do things together, no matter how the circumstances may be. If he/she is trying his/her best, even if it is not bringing out something good, complement them so that they won't feel desolate, empty, and tired of building a happy home with you. If there is a fruitful effort too, complement them and remember the saying that says, “behind every successful man there is always a virtuous woman” and vice versa. Make a good history together and complementing them will make them complete since you are half of yourself and half of him/her.

5. Encouragement: Encouraging each other all the time even when there is nothing, going through hardship, when there are falls and also when they are getting it right will tell them they have the right man/woman in their lives. Don't discourage their efforts, and let them know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Motivate them to grow big and placed them as important people in your world.

6: Friendship: If you have a friendship relationship with your spouse, I am telling you, you will have a happy home. Making them your friend will help you to tell them anything going on in your life and to confide in them by not keeping secrets away from them. It will also help you read their mind, even when they don't want to say it out and fight alone. A friendship relationship brings about a strong union between couples and helps them grow. Being friends erases any traces of fear in marriages and makes them stick together more even in times of difficulties.

 Finally, pray for your home, your spouse, children and yourself, and you will encounter a good turnaround in all aspects of your life

Before We Say "I Do": The Premarital Workbook by Levon Sparks Salone. $3.99 from Smashwords.com
You are contemplating marriage, and hopefully you desire a relationship that will last a lifetime. By answering the questions outlined this workbook, you and your potential mate can gain insight about your relationship before making a lifelong commitment. Allow this workbook to guide you through the process. It's a journey well worth taking.

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