Refuting evolution doesn't require complicated equations or lab experiments, even though those work fine too.
Contrary to the popular belief that science has proven evolution as fact,
the scientific facts themselves argue against evolution.
Evolutionists believe so much in natural selection and chance. For instance, an evolutionist might try to tell you how Earth was formed and he'll probably say that the Earth was filled with heat - that it was just a hot, dead planet; and as it cooled by chance, life began and somehow, chemicals were mixed in shallow pools and just happened to come alive. But the truth is that God made Earth so perfectly that luck or chance should not be given credit for the creation of the world. An evolutionist will not be able to explain 'somehow', 'just happened', and 'chance' in their seemingly correct, scientific explanation of how the world came to be, neither would they tell how they came about.
Who created chance?
When I say that Earth is so perfectly created, I mean that the Earth is special, coordinated and purposely created for it to have and sustain life. If you think deep about my earlier statement, you will discover that if Earth were to be just slightly farther away from the sun than it is now, the Earth would freeze and will not support life. If the Earth were just to be a little closer to the sun than it is, it would become a burning desert and will not support life either. If the Earth did not have a moon revolving round it, there would be no tides on the sea and there will be stagnant water and no oxygen for the sea creatures (water bodies) to breathe. These indicate that God loves us so much that He purposely put everything in place to support life.
There was once a Russian scientist who was the head of nuclear physics department in the institute of physics in Kiev, Russia; Dr. Boris P. Dotsenko. He was taught not to believe in God. But even at that, he began to think about what it meant for the Earth to be the way it is in spite of the second law of thermodynamics. Later in life, he wrote a letter saying; "As I thought of all of that, it suddenly dawned on me that there must be a very powerful organising force counteracting this disorganising tendency within nature, keeping the universe controlled and in order. This force must not be material: otherwise, it too will become disordered. I concluded that this power must be both omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all knowing). There must be a God - one God controlling everything".
The second law of thermodynamics (also called the law of entropy) states that any physical system left to itself will decay . Instead of being highly organised, like our Earth's systems, everything will break down. Chemical processes will reach equilibrium; a dead state that can be found in Mars and Venus.
Even with proofs that God exists and is real, evolutionists just don't want to believe that there is God (Romans 1:19-20: "They know the truth about God because he made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the Earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can see his invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God"(NLT) because I personally believe that there is no way one can believe in evolution and profess to be a christian. The person certainly has to be an atheist.
Evolutionists have made several explanations that humans came from apes. The answer to the question of where humans came from is not far fetched. It is clearly stated in the Bible (Genesis 1:26: "Then God said, "let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the Earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground".NLT), (Genesis 2:7: "Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person." NLT).
First, we are made to understand that God Himself made us in a separate and special act of creation. People did not evolve from some lower kind of animal. Second, we also understand that God made us different from every other living thing. Our bodies are physical, made of elements found on Earth. In this, we are similar to animals. But one thing we should take note of is that God simply spoke, and the plants and animals were created. For human beings, God personally shaped our physical nature from the elements in the ground. Third, the Bible says that God chose to make humans in His own "image and likeness". This means humans have spiritual and physical parts.
Scientists agree that life only comes from living things. Yet, the theory of evolution insists that millions of years ago, life sprang from nonliving chemicals. One famous scientist, Dr. Robert Jastrow, says there are only two choices: "Either life was created on the Earth by the will of a being outside the grasp of scientific understanding (God), or it evolved on our planet spontaneously through chemical reactions occurring in nonliving matter lying on the surface of the planet". This makes our choice very simple.
We must either believe that life just happened to begin or else believe that God created life. If we can show that life could not happen through chemical reactions occurring in nonliving matter lying on the surface of our planet, then we have evidence that God must have created life! Suppose that you have money in one hand. You ask a friend to guess which hand the money is. He says, "The right hand!" Now, it's either he is correct or wrong. And, if he is wrong, then the money must be in your left hand! As soon as you show that one of only two possible choices is wrong, then the other choice must be right! It's like this with the appearance of life.
There are only two choices: God created life, or life started by chance. If we can show that life did not start up in some chance process, the other choice - that God created beings - must be right!
In conclusion, evolution is just an explanation for atheists to have faith in the 'fact' that there is no God because they want to be gods to themselves without having to worry about the existence of a supreme being.
And the truth is that no matter how atheists believe a lie and follow the lie wholeheartedly, the truth will always remain the truth - there would always be God, the most supreme being always continuing to control everything.
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