When we think of super powers, I'm sure our minds go straight to flying men, and people shooting lasers from their eyes. But a super power can be as simple can be as simple as being able to solve complex questions under 60 seconds, or hear the slightest of sounds. There are people who have shown us that super powers are real, and here are 6 of them.
1. Ingo Swann Remote Viewing
This man has the ability known as remote viewing. It is the ability to see things in another location without being physically there. This man once described the rings around Jupiter, long before NASA discovered them. He is able to leave his body and see things in other locations.
2. Stephen Wiltshire
While Ingo Swann is able to see things that are not in his sight, Stephen Wiltshire see things and never forgets. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. Over the years, he has developed his artistic skills, and can draw any image after seeing it once, and he never forgets the image. Nice power if you ask me.
3. Wim Hof the Iceman
Wim Hof is a man who has successfully process that he can control his core body temperature and functions by just meditating alone. He has been submerged in ice for two hours without suffering any adverse effects. This feat earned him the name of Iceman. He has also climbed Mt Everest while wearing only shorts, without suffering altitude sickness. He ran the Namib desert without drinking any water. These feats just goes to show his super ability to control his bodily functions without external conditions affecting him.
4. Uri Geller, Psychokinesis
We must have all at one time or the other seen a movie where someone has the power to lift or bend objects with just the power of their mind. Well, such powers do exist in reality as studies have shown. Uri Geller is one of such psychics who has publicly demonstrated his power power of psychokinesis by bending a metal spoon, and then making it straight again with just his mind.
5. Daniel Tammet
Daniel Tammet is another super powered human who was also diagnosed with autism. Daniel had an indefinite memory, as he has been known to successfully recite the mathematical constant Pi up to the 22414 decimal places just from memory. This feat is considered an all-time European record. Daniel is also known to perform a lot of other problems at the same time which 'normal' humans can't perform.
6. Buddhist Monks
Buddhist Monks are a group of people who are considered to have super human like abilities. They are known to be able to change the temperature of their fingers and toes. The same monks are also known to live 15,000 get high in the Himalayas during winter nights, without suffering any adverse effects. There are those who can lower their body metabolism by 65% which allows them to survive without eating much.

So there you have it: 6 of the real life humans with super powers. Who knows, meditating might just be the key to unlocking hidden super powers among men.
What do you think of these super humans?

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