Many people are afraid of snakes or have snake phobias. It may be due to the way in which the snakes move or crawl. Did You Know Facts About Snakes?

28 Astonishing Fact's about Snakes that will change the way you look at them:

Did You know Facts About Snakes? 

1. You might have seen snakes with decapitated head. Be careful as these snake's head are still alive for few hours, before they completely die off. They can still bite and have a huge amount of venom.

2. Snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica. But there are few exceptions to it. They are found in large island nations like New Zealand, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, Hawaii and some island nations in central Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

3. Snakes don't have external ears; they are deaf. They hear from the vibrations on the ground.

4. This puts an end to the theory that snakes shake's due the sound made by the charmer's instrument; it is the charmer's movement that makes the snakes to move.

5. Snakes don't have eyelids and their eyes don't move. They have transparent scales protecting their eyes.

6. Like humans; snakes don't chew their food; they eat their prey whole. They can swallow the prey up to 3 times the diameter of their head. This is because their lower and upper jaw are separable.

7. Snakes cannot survive in extreme cold and hot environment because they are ectotherms, that is they are unable to regulate their temperature internally.

8. Like other animal's snakes don't need to eat regularly because they have a very low metabolism rate. There are some species of snake that can survive for two years without food.

9. Snakes do not smell from their nose. They use their split tongue to smell and taste the chemical compositions in the air.

10. Snakes do have teeth; one, two or three; no but they have almost 200 teeth. These teeth are not used for eating but to hold back the prey from crawling out while swallowing.

11. You might guess whether a snake is poisonous or not through its pupils. If the pupil is diamond shaped that means the snake is poisonous and if it's round it means the snake is non-poisonous.

12. Among the snakes, Black Mambas are one of the fastest and they can lift one third of their body in air during defense instances.

13. If a snake bites itself, it can die of its own venom.

14. There are snakes that can fly in the air by flattening their body into a S-shaped ribbon.

15. Sonoran Coral Snake farts when threatened instead of rattling or hissing.

16. You might have heard about the Mongoose and Snake rivalries. The Mongoose is one of the rarest animals that is immune to snake's immune.

17. There are instances when snakes have exploded while swallowing their preys. One such instance was when a 13-foot long Python tried to eat a 6-foot long Alligator.

18. There is a snake called Arafura that lays a single egg in 10 years.

19. Did you know that Snakes are eaten in some parts of the World as delicacy.

20. Black Mambas are not typically black in color. Their skin is brownish, grey or olive in color with a lighter underbelly. It is their mouth which when they open appears blue-black in color. This is from where they get their name as Black Mamba.

21. The fear of snakes is known as Ophiophobia. Approximately one third of World's adult population is afraid of snakes.

22. The Inland Taipan is the world's most toxic snake. Its venom sac has enough poison to kill up to 80 to 100 people.

23. Brazil has an island known as the Snake Island. There are so many snakes there that you can find 1 snake every 1 Sqm.

24. Can you believe it snakes were used to carry out executions in Medieval Europe. The person's to be executed were thrown into snake pits leaving them to die of poisonous snake bites.

25. All snakes whether big or small, venomous or non-venomous; all are carnivorous.

26. Snakes brains are underdeveloped which limit their ability to learn new things.

27. You might have seen snakes with two heads sharing a common body. Chances of snakes having two head is much more common than any other animals.

28. Snakes with 2 heads are not aware that they have a single body. They tend to fight with each other for the prey. When one head eats the prey the other one feels full but fails to understand the reason behind it.

Did You Know Facts About Snakes?

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