Stretch marks are long, narrow streaks, stripes, or lines that develop on the skin its a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear.
Stretch marks can also be called (striae distensae) This problem is commonly see in the famine gender (females) men/guys might experience little of it, Stretch marks commonly develop in obese individuals and during pregnancy sometimes because of certain diseases, but they are painless


People that get or have this issue are likely to:

Obesity, Pregnancy, Breast implant surgery Rapid Bodybuilding mainly during "puberty", High amounts of steroids, either from steroid medications or illnesses like Cushing's syndrome, other health issue a genetic disease that weakens your skin fibers and causes unusual growth called Marfan Syndrome, They also run in families
This problems affects mostly the buttocks, hip, shoulder, armpits, stomach etc


Their are many people out there spending alot on creams and medicines in treatment against this issue some even go to the extend of surgery (plastic... But here are the natural ways to treat and prevent this illiness..

1 Vitamin A

Referred to as a retinoid. Retinoids make skin appear smoother and more youthful. They’re used in many over-the-counter topical cosmetic creams.
Using an extract of vitamin A, or taking orally aids in your skin health and appearance, carrots and sweet potatoes are Vitamin A boosters

2 Sugar

Suger is one of the microdermabrasion method, clinically proven by Dermatologist to help fade Stretch marks. Rubbing suger scrub mixed with lemon juice would exfoliate the affected area.

3 Aloe Vera

This is also proven to be a cure, pure aloe vera is both a natural healing agent and a skin softener. This makes it an ideal home remedy to try for stretch marks.
Apply pure aloe vera from a plant to your stretch marks daily after your shower.

4 Coconut Oil

Coconut oil might help heal the apperance quickl, it has been studied trusted Source for its healing properties Applying virgin coconut oil to your stretch marks each day might take away some of their red appearance. Unless you’re allergic to coconuts, this oil is considered safe.
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