How To Break The Poverty Mindset And Welcome Financial Abundance
We desire so many things in the course of our lifetimes. From finding true love, what we are passionate about, to being successful in whatever endeavor that we choose.
Financial stability is a byproduct of success, most of you would agree. However, it comes off of hard work. Hard work and fighting off one major thing: a poverty mindset.
Living and going about your business believing you are only capable of making a limited amount of money can really affect your financial life. Your vibe and your thoughts attract the kind of life you are living, and this holds true for each and every aspect of your life. You cannot gain the wealth you want/need to satisfy your many desires if you limit yourself; if you maintain a poor man’s mentality. This article is an attempt to guide you on how to switch from a poor financial mentality to that of a driven and successful one that attracts financial abundance in your life. 
Know what the poverty mindset is 
One of the best ways to describe a poverty mindset is by imagining a mental block that makes you believe that you are not capable of more. 

There are a few characteristics of people with poverty mindsets:

1. Lack of goals:
Thoughts like “I can’t, so why even bother trying” limit you and are sure signs of a poverty mindset. You are attracting unplanned or uninspired things in your life. To overcome this, you need to visualize what you want. What do you need money for? What can you do to attract that sort of money into your life?

2. Self-pitying:
This holds true for a large number of people facing some sort of financial constraints. Instead of overcoming them, most people start asking” why me?” and feeling sorry for themselves. They see no way out and hide from the problem or, at worst, think more on how big the issue is instead of seeking a solution. 
How to welcome financial abundance
The universe gives you what you give to it. The effort you put in plays a key role in the returns you get. You need to work on tweaking your mentality, and you’d see results quicker than you expected. 
Here is how:

1. Change the way you view wealth
Do you view wealth as just a means to pay your bills? Do you often find yourself afraid of getting mired in never-ending debt? Either way, you fear wealth and thus are not able to attract it in your life. 
A clear, crisp, and rather simple solution to this is visualizing having money on you and spending it as per your needs. Sit in a silent corner, close your eyes, and imagine having opportunities, growth, and expansion that altogether could land you money. Next, imagine how would you feel when you have the money, and what would you do with it. Visualization is a powerful tool and it can be employed to great effect as you look to accumulate wealth.

2. Stop using negative words
The words you speak create a vibration around you that goes straight into your subconscious. If you constantly speak negative words, sentences regarding money, you are telling your subconscious mind that you are not going to gain financial abundance.
Be cautious when you speak about money, and stop saying negative things like “this debt is going to take forever for me to repay” or “I’m never going to be rich”. 
Instead, say things like “I have everything in me to be rich” or “I WILL be able to afford this soon”. When you use such sentences, you are forcing your subconscious to believe that you can, which is important.

3. Get Ready for Hard-work
The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible gives a profitable admonition. It's says "Whatever your hands finds to do, do it with all your might".

4. Pray to your Creator.
Whether you believe this or not. Prayer works. Supernatural Favour is the best support you need for health & wealth

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