I wonder why people keep neglecting this powerful plant given to us by God.
Garlic is a plant (Allium sativum or Allium Ascalonicum) having a strong odour that stings the nose. It is said to be acidic and spicy and also related to the onion family.
Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.
The Garlic is one of the favourite meals in the Bible as it's potency is highly recognized and respected.
In Numbers 11:5, see what the Israelites said: 👇
"We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic:"
God has placed special potentials on garlic which we ought not overlook.
1) Reduce High BP
2) Fight common cold
3) Lowers risk of heart diseases
4) contains antioxidants that may help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
5) helps you live longer,
Just to mention a few.
But, one of the most important values of garlic to humans, is it's ability to scare away witches, demons, vampires, the evil eye and other dark supernatural forces. Hence, garlic brings goodluck.
Many years ago in the rural areas of western Spain, they had a serious battle with dark spiritual forces, most especially, the evil eye.
The evil eye is thought of as a look given to inflict harm, suffering, or some form of bad luck on those that it is cast upon. It is a look which clearly states that one intends for something bad to happen to the object of one’s focus, either out of jealousy or pure malice.
So, the inhabitants of ARD discovered an observation that they don't get manipulated by the dark forces, the witches and the evil eye, whenever they are in their garlic farm or whenever garlic is around them. So, they devised different strategies to chase away these dark forces using the garlic. And these means have been very effective, even till date.
1) Hang on doors
2) Design them in such a way that you can wear as necklaces or bracelets
3) Chew at night
4) Put in your bag
5) Put in your car
6) place in your pocket
7) Pray to God before positioning them, etc.
Garlics are referred to as "the greatest enemies of witches...
# Simple, because, God has made them so.
# Witches/dark forces cannot stand their pungent smell. It is acidic to them.
Just as snakes cannot stand the smell of carbide; just as humans can stand the smell of a tear gas; just as mosquitoes can't stand the smell of sniper.
This is no magic, it's nature.