It is always every girl's dream to walk out dressed well and have a glowing skin.However, that is not fullfilled for all the people.But still that is possible,here are some skincare mistakes you should avoid to have that glowing skin.

Although you may be trying to eat good,you may also not be aware of the impact of certain foods on the pH balance of the body. Avoid foods that can lower the pH levels. Steer clear from carbonated drinks, alcohol, sugar, and egg yolks which are acidic in nature. Opt for green vegetables, turmeric, chia seeds and lemon, which are alkalising in nature and help in balancing the pH levels of the body. Imbalanced pH levels result in skin inflammation, extreme sensitivity, and even acne breakouts. Ensure that your diet has a 70:30 ratio of alkaline and acidic food to maintain the pH balance.You should also drink alot of water to keep your skin hydrated.
Cleansers that have a pH level of 9 and above are alkalising and disrupt the protective layer of the skin, which fight against the bacteria and dirt. This can result in skin losing its important oils, drying out and getting scaly. Cleansers that are acidic can aggravate irritation on sensitive skin. Thus, it is very important to use a pH neutral soap that does not affect the protective layer of the skin. To maintain the skin’s layer and preserve its natural balance, it is recommended to use a moisturizing soap that is pH neutral.
Many ladies get carried away by facials, peels and chemical treatments that are available at almost every salon. These are a big no-no, especially if you have never done them before. In reality, your quick fixes may be doing more harm than good. Don't dive into a treatment just because you read somewhere instead, stick to gentle, simple products, and use them every day.It’s probably not a good idea to go to beauty shops and blindly grab any product that seems appealing. It’s really important to shop for your skin type.Do some research before you buy a product.
Skipping sunscreen
To protect skin from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays and to keep dullness and tanning at bay, wearing a sunscreen is a must. Apply a dollop of sunscreen on your face 15 minutes before you head out. Moreover, sunscreen’s effect generally diminishes after being out in the sun for a couple of hours. You need to reapply the sunscreen every two hours to stay protected throughout the day.
Simply splashing your face with water isn’t enough. You’ve got to remove everything in order to have radiant, healthy skin. Never go to bed with your makeup still on.Now matter how tired you are, you have to wash your face before you go to bed.Washing your face once at night sometimes isn’t enough. It’s important to wash in the morning too, especially if you have oily skin.

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